Committee Monthly In Dec 2013

Hi N-Park MC committees, 

Kindly take note that the meeting is fixed on 17 Dec (Tuesday) at the same time and venue since majority accepted the date.  I have invited the new security to attend the meeting as well.

Thank you



Monthly Committee Meeting - Dec 2013

Dear N-Park Committees, 

Please be informed that the meeting for this month is tentatively fixed on 17 Dec 2013.  Please feedback if such date is suitable to all before 12 Dec so that a new date could be fixed. In the event should majority accepts 17 Dec, then the meeting shall be proceeded.

Thank you


Work progress in Badminton Court roof leakage

Dear N-Park Residents 

Attach herewith are the photos indicating the progress of work.  Half of the roof have patched up with chemicals and zinc sheet by Hosen on the rusty part and gaps areas.  Expected to complete is about another 2 to 3 weeks.

Thank you
