NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2011 (8th January 2011 @ 2.00 pm at Block B Main Lobby)


To :  All Registered Proprietors (Qualified Eligibility)

        N Park Condominium



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Third (3rd) Annual General Meeting of Perbadanan Pengurusan N Park will be convened on Saturday 08 January 2011 @ 2.00 pm at Block B Main Lobby.




1.      Opening address by representative (s) of the Management Council


2.      To receive and adopt the Minutes of the 2nd Annual General Meeting (held on adjournment to


3.      To receive and adopt the audited accounts for the year ended 31st December 2009


4.      To elect Office Bearers to the Management Council, removed or by way of resignation, hold office up to the next Annual General Meeting


5.      Any other matters connected with the maintenance / upgrading and management of the common property of the building


 Added Agenda to be discussed:

1.    Discussion of Dissolution Of The Existing NPRA – to be officially announced by RA Chairman Doctor Chan and they are advised to issue official letter to Registrar  Of Society informing them of the same ;


2.       Discussion of handing over of account currently withheld by  NPRA and to transfer ALL funds available to NPMC 


By Order of the Management Corporation

Perbadanan Pengurusan N Park 

Dated  this    2nd day of      January      2011

MC Committee Meeting on 15th November 2010 (Monday) 8.30pm

Dear MC Committee Members,

Please note that there will be a MC Committee Meeting on 15th November 2010 (Monday) 8.30pm at Block A Conference Room




1.     Minutes of  Last Meeting

2.     Accounts Report

3.     Security Report

4.     Management Report

5.     Any Other Matters


Thank you.

MC Committee Meeting on 11th October 2010 (Monday) 8.30pm at Block A Conference Room

Dear MC Committee Members,


Please note that there will be a MC Committee Meeting on 11th October 2010 (Monday) 8.30pm at Block A Conference Room




1.     Minutes of  Last Meeting

2.     Accounts Report

3.     Security Report

4.     Management Report

5.     Any Other Matters



Thank you.

MC Committee Meeting on 13th September 2010 (Monday) 8.30pm at Block A Conference Room

Dear MC Committee Members,

Please note that there will be a MC Committee Meeting on 13th September 2010 (Monday) 8.30pm at Block A Conference Room




1.     Minutes of  Last Meeting

2.     Accounts Report

3.     Security Report

4.     Management Report

5.     Any Other Matters



Thank you.


E-mail for N-Park Residents

I just created an E-mail Groups for all N-Park Residents.
The Objectives :
Update or Notify N-Park residents on the new info/ activity
This a plaftform to exchange info among the N-Park Community / Residents
If you wish to join this groups, you have to provide me your Unit number in N-Park and E-mail address. You can send these info direct to N-park e-mail (npark.penang@gmail.com)
Tai LC

Change: MC Committee Meeting reschedule to 13rd August 2010 (friday) 8.30pm at Block A Conference Room

Dear MC Committee Members,


Please note that MC Committee Meeting Rescheduled to 13rd August 2010 (Friday) 8.30pm at Block A Conference Room




1.     Minutes of  Last Meeting

2.     Accounts Report

3.     Security Report

4.     Management Report

5.     Any Other Matters



Thank you.



N-Park Water Exhibition & Water Painting Competition Day 7 Aug 2-5pm

Dear all MC Committee members & N-Park residents

This is an open invitation to all of you to come and support this event this Saturday afternoon 2-5pm N-Park Lobby.

N-Park MC is given a desk to exhibit its Water Saving Campaign. Hope the Chairman Mr Oon has collected some materials for exhibition. If not yet, he should direct the Management Office to do so.

Please bring your children 12 years and below to take part in the water painting competition. Children 6 and below only do colouring. The children have to bring their own colour pencils and ink. We proved the paper.  Top 3 prizes in each category are Bicycles worth RM200-250 each. We also give free T-shirts to all participants. There is also a free tea break.

Dr Chan Ngai Weng
Water Watch Penang
Vice-Chairman N-Park MC

MC Committee Meeting on 9th August 2010 (Monday) 8.30pm at Block A Conference Room

Dear MC Committee Members,


Please note that there will be a MC Committee Meeting on 9th August 2010 (Monday) 8.30pm at Block A Conference Room




1.     Minutes of  Last Meeting

2.     Accounts Report

3.     Security Report

4.     Management Report

5.     Any Other Matters



Thank you.




Dear All,
Please encourage N-Park residents to use the following site to obtain N-Park's news and updates.
I wish N-Park resident can utilise the information technologies to assess the our latest info...
I found this blog site is still under utilites.

Our Website : http://npark.litrend.com/

Management Update: http://www.nparkpenang.blogspot.com/

E-mail to Management: Feedback2NPark@yahoogroups.com

E-Mail to N Park's MC: MCNPARK@yahoogroups.com

Tai LC

N-Park Water Exhibition & Painting Competition 7 August 2-5pm

Dear all,

This is to announce that N-Park MC together with Jabatan Pengairan & Saliran & Water Watch Penang are organising the N-Park Water Exhibition & Painting Competition as follows:

Date: 7 August 2010
Time: 2-5pm
Place: N-Park Lobby
Painting Competition: For children in Batu Uban area 12 Years and below. There are 3 categories: (i) 6 & Below; (ii) 7-9 years; (iii) 10-12 years. The first three prizes in each category are Bicycles, each worth RM150 to RM250 each. 

Please come and support this event. Bring all your neighbours, relatives & friends.

Thank you.  

Dr Chan Ngai Weng
N-Park MC Vice-Chairman 
& President of Water Watch Penang



Water Supply Interrupt - BLOCK B. 27th July 2010

Dear all                                                                             C R I S I S
Kindly take note that the elbow for the 4" poly pipe  in the 16th Floor Pump
Room of Block B burst half an hour ago.  As the pressure was very strong, the water had shot the electrical panel and caused short circuit.  As such, water supply to the whole block was then cut meaning that there is no water in the whole of Block B for the whole night till next morning.
Since this critical job requires fusion machine to rejoin the elbow and usually only contractor owns this heavy machine, thus, there is nothing much we can do but will call the contractor early in the morning to rush the work. Both Pipe Layer and Chargeman must  come together to do the rescue work.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Thank you

Meeting with our lawyer, Syarikat Baldev Bhar (July 22, 2010)

Dear MC Members.
Our lawyer, Mr. Baldev had called Mr. Oon late this afternoon, informing that he would like to meet up with Mr. Oon tomorrow to talk to him.
This notice from the lawyer is a bit short noticed.
Mr Oon would like to extend to MC members whoever is interested, can join him at the lawyer's office tomorrow.
Date : July 22, 2010
Time : 2.30 pm
Venue : Syarikat Baldev Bhar
Address : 2nd Floor, Blok 3A, Pengkalan Weld, 10300 Georgetown, Pulau Pinang
Best Regards
Ann Ooi on behalf of  Mr. Oon Chee Loon

N-Park Council Meeting Schedule on 12th July, 8:30pm

Dear Committees,
Pls be informed that the monthly meeting will be held on 12th July
2010 (Monday) at 8.30pm.
As usually Block Conference Room.

N-Park MC June monthly meeting on next Monday


Dear MC Members


Pleas take note on June monthly meeting on next Monday

Date : June 7, 2010 (Mon.)

Time : 8.30 pm

Venue :  N-Park Conference Room


Agenda of Meeting

1.  Minutes of Last Meeting

2.  Security Report

3.  Accounts Report

4.  Management Report

5.  License Auditor

6.  Family Day

7.  Any other matters





Immediate Attention: Riser Room

PLS CALL     : 04 - 659 1610 - Guard House

                        : 04 - 658 2280 - Management Office

                        : 016 - 457 3175 - Din (Handyman)

                        : 012 - 577 6024 - Johari (Bldg Supervisor)

                        : 016 - 473 5325 - Shirley (Backup Team)


If you see any un – authorized person coming IN / OUT from this Riser Room, or heard any sound in the Riser Room,  please contact any of the above phone number immediately for information. This is in reference with the copper strips that has been cut & stolen a few months ago. Losses is huge.


Below are the authorized personnel allowed to use the Riser Room :-

1.) TNB Personnel (in uniform only)

2.) Security Officer (in uniform only)

3.) Management Staff


Your kind assistance to the above is highly appreciated.


N-Park Management committee meeting, May 10th 8:30pm.

Dear MC members

N-Park Management committee meeting schedule on,

Date : May 10, 2010 (Mon.) 

Time 8.30 am. 

Venue : N-Park Conference room. 

 Appreciate feedback on your availability.



N-PARK FAMILY DAY, May 29, 2010 (Sat)


May 29, 2010  (Sat)

Time : 2.30 pm –  6.30 pm

Venue : N-Park Lobby


1.  Baby Photo Competition  - just submit your baby’s photo 

     (Age : 6 mths – 3 years)

     Registration :  RM5/- per entry

     Prizes : 1st, 2nd & 3rd   


2.  Baby Modeling

     - catwalk  (Fashion show & traditional costume)   

     (Age : 4 – 6  :  can be accompanied by parents)

     Registration :  RM5/- per entry

     Prizes : 1st, 2nd & 3rd


3.   Hand painted Eggs Competition

      (Age 12 – 15)

      Registration :  RM5/- per entry

      Prizes : 1st, 2nd & 3rd


4.   Games for children                                                

      1. Squat and walk like a duck ti ll the finishing line   (Age  :  7 -  8)  

      2. Musical chair  (Age  :  9 – 11)

      Prizes :  1st, 2nd & 3rd


5.   Games for adults               

      1.  Use hanging pegs to decorate and tie the wife’s hair

      2.  Nasi Lemak  eating competition

      Prizes : 1st, 2nd & 3rd




  N-Park Joint Residents   Pot Luck - “ Getting to know you,  in the neighbourhood -  your food, your race, your culture” .

         Each one bring a dish/snack to share with your neighbours

         Please let us know what you bring and register with Erica.

         (Only those who bring food can participate! )



N-PARK FAMILY DAY, May 29, 2010 (Sat)


May 29, 2010  (Sat)

Time : 2.30 pm –  6.30 pm

Venue : N-Park Lobby


MC meeting April 12, 830pm @ Conference room

Dear MC members,


Please be informed that our Chairman, Mr. Oon Chee Loon would like to call for a meeting on April 12, 2010 (Mon.)

Time : 8.30 pm

Venue : N-Park Conference Room.


Purposed : To discuss pertaining the appointment of Auditor.


Kindly avail yourself on that evening.

Your presence is greatly appreciated.





MC Committee Meeting on 22nd March 2010 (Monday) 8.30pm at Block A Conference Room

Dear MC Committee Members,


Please note that there will be a MC Committee Meeting on 22nd March 2010 (Monday) 8.30pm at Block A Conference Room




1.         Minutes of  Last Meeting

2.         Accounts Report

3.         Security Report

4.         Management Report

5.         Any Other Matters



Thank you.



MC Committee Meeting- 22 Jan 2010 (Friday) @ 8.30pm

Dear MC Committee Members,

Please note that there will be a MC Committee Meeting on 22nd January 2010 (Friday) 8.30pm  at Block A Conference Room




1.     Minutes of  Last Meeting

2.     Accounts Report

3.     Security Report

4.     Management Report

5.     Any Other Matters


Thank you.