Newly elected N-Park Management Council Committees (2011-2012)

[ 8th January 2011] 3rd AGM for N-Park condominium

Congratulations to the newly elected management council committee (MC N-Park) for next 2 year term. Chairman and other main positions will be appointed internally in the upcoming MC meeting, please stay tune. New committees are published as following,


1.      Oon Chee Loon

2.      Lee Saw Ai

3.      Ooi Ann Hwa

4.      Nanacy Ooi

5.      Oon Chee Hong

6.      Chan Ngai Weng

7.      Tai Li Chong

8.      Chan Sek Kheng

9.      Oh She Chye

10.  Goh Teng Hor

11.  Teh Chong Hee (Back up)

12.  Yeoh Aik Lai (Back up)